Klaus Andres
Emeritus Professor
Technical University of Munich
Born March1, 1934 in Zürich. Brought up in CH- 8700 Küsnacht. 1952 - 1958: Higher education at ETH Zürich, Division 9 for Physics and Natural Sciences. 1958: Diploma in Physics. 1958 - 1963: Member of the Research Team in the Helium Laboratory of the ETH (under Prof.Dr. J.L. Olsen) 1963: Doktoral degree in Experimental Physics (Theme: Thermal Expansion of Metals at liquid Helium Temperatures). 1963 - 1965: Postdoktoral position at Bell Telephone Research Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey (USA). 1965 - 1980: Member of Staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories. 1980 - 1999: Full Professor for Low Temperature Physics at the Technical University of Munich and Director of the Walther-Meissner-Institute for Low Temperature Physics of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.
Research Interest
Low Temperature Physics, Experimental Physics