Andrés Cantarero
University of Valencia
Andrés Cantarero is Full Professor in Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Valencia. After his Ph. D., he spent two years at the Max Planck Institute of Solid State Physics as a postdoc, where he came back several times as visiting professor. His main field of research has been optical spectroscopy studies of semiconductor nanostructures, mainly Raman spectroscopy. He developed several phenomenological models on Raman spectroscopy and lattice dynamics and, more recently, using density functional theory. He has also been working on transport and magnetic properties of solids. His main interests nowadays are thermoelectric materials, an exciting topic within energy harvesting. He organized several Schools and Conferences, is the co-author of around 330 publications, 3 book chapters and 3 patents. He was the principal investigator of more than 20 national projects, three European projects and several local projects. He belongs to the Molecular Science Institute of the University of Valencia and the Applied Physics Department.
Research Interest
Optical spectroscopy studies of semiconductor nano-structures, Thermoelectric materials